ASCEF members, serving society during the COVID-19 pandemic

April 2020.- In the current situation, many companies have become allies of the groups most exposed to the coronavirus and are acting to support the most vulnerable citizens. Family businesses, which are especially committed to their environment, are a good example:
The pharmaceutical company Almirall has launched an action plan containing a number of measures to respond to COVID-19 and assist health professionals. These include the donation of protective equipment (masks, gloves and gowns, among others) and topical creams to reduce dry and damaged skin due to the prolonged use of masks and disinfectants. The company has also partially modified its production facilities in order to manufacture antibacterial gels. It also plans to collaborate with the Leitat Foundation to develop ventilators manufactured using 3D printing for hospitals and intensive care units.
Meanwhile, Girbau, the company for comprehensive professional laundry solutions, has provided the Clínic hospital in Barcelona with a portable washing machine to help with the task of cleaning and disinfecting textiles. This machinery washes and disinfects daily up to 720 kg of medical staff clothing and tests the behaviour of materials when they are being washed.
The dermocosmetic company MartiDerm has given the Red Cross 2,500 units of the MartiDerm Covid-19 Dermatological Support Kit. This consists of three products: a hydroalcoholic disinfectant gel, an intensive hand cream and three cream patches for tired legs.
For its part, Cacaolat, a company that is 50% owned by Damm, has provided 60,000 bottles of cocoa and milk shakes to a variety of organisations to help alleviate the effects of the situation and express its gratitude to health personnel for their efforts. Donations have been made to associations such as the Food Bank, the Red Cross, Caritas, the Barcelona College of Physicians and a number of groups from healthcare institutions.
Carolina Herrera, which is owned by the Puig group, has adapted its tailoring production line in the town of Vacarisses to make gowns and masks for healthcare centres and the food industry.
You can see other examples of solidarity and good practices by ASCEF members.