ASCEF member Anudal participates in #DamosLaCara: “Despite the circumstances, we’ll come through. This won’t stop us”

Employees and employers from all over Spain are promoting the #DamosLaCara (We show our resolve) movement, an initiative that shows the commitment of family businesses to overcoming the current health and economic crisis, while noting their contribution to employment and to the revival of the economy. The members of the Catalan Association of Family Businesses (ASCEF) are participating and collaborating with this platform, as in the case of Anudal, a Badalona company specialising in the manufacture of accessories for aluminium carpentry.
“The most difficult time was when you have to tell your parents: stay at home. Leave the company where you have spent every day for over 30 years and accept that control depends much more on the new generation”, explains Eva Hernámperez, the General Manager of Anudal.
However, the company began to buy masks and other personal protective equipment before the state of alarm was declared: “So, when the health crisis arrived, we already had all the material. We also gathered raw materials so we could be in control of all the elements of our production process. Our priority has been to maintain the jobs of the whole team that has been with us for over thirty years”, he says.
Anudal, which has collaborated out of solidarity with healthcare professionals and the Badalona Research Centre over past weeks, has also not forgotten its suppliers: “It is really important not to break the supplier payment chain; the most vulnerable should be paid in advance. It is really important for the companies that can to do so; let’s help the smaller ones: every supplier is necessary”, explains Ana Núñez, company manager.
The company knew how to adapt to the situation and, after assessing “what we can do“, in a few days “we were able to place on the market a stand for separating spaces with partitions,” says Marta Hernámperez, the Commercial Director of Anudal. “Despite the circumstances, we always try to battle through and this will not stop us,” she concludes.