Jori Armengol & Asociados participates in the #DamosLaCara movement: “As a family business, we will come through this and emerge stronger than before”

Jori Armengol & Asociados, an insurance brokerage that is a member of the Catalan Association of Family Businesses (ASCEF), has participated in #DamosLaCara (We show our resolve) iniciative. This is a citizens’ movement that enhances the engagement of employees and employers with society as a whole, in addition to publicising the effort and important work that family businesses are undertaking all over the country through their economic and social contributions.
The company’s CEO and Executive President, Ferran Jori, is very clear in his message with regard to the present situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic: “As a family business, we will come through this and emerge even stronger than before. In the long term, full steam ahead, let’s go for it.”
Mr Jori explains that the company, which was founded 130 years ago and now has its fifth generation at the helm, “has withstood wars, world wars, other pandemics etc. thanks to a very strong team.” Regarding this health crisis, he said that “the most difficult time for us was when three parents of our team members passed away. This affected the team badly; and human resources has provided great support and assistance”.
Looking forward, Mr Jori says that “an event like this causes people to worry. Now any activity, at any given time, can be halted by another pandemic and this generates financial and economic risks for which the insurance sector will have to find solutions“. However, he does not hesitate to underline that those in the family business “will show their resolve.“